Designed for:
All clinical staff
What type of training is it:
e-learning -approx 1 hour
Click here for full course details
Learning objectives:
- Describe the benefits of National Early Warning Score (NEWS)
- List the main ways in which NEWS is to be used
- Know the six physiological parameters included with NEWS
- Describe the NEWS system, thresholds and triggers
- Accurately record and score parameters
- Perform a NEWS calculation
- Demonstrate correct use of NEWS and associated clinical responses through completing 5 case studies
If you do not have access to self-enrol but believe that you should have access please contact for support with enrolment.
Designed for:
All OT and therapy support staff within the Community Rehabilitation Service
What type of training is it?
Self-directed - Approximately 90 minutes
This course covers who Cambridgeshire County Council’s Sensory Services are, what we do and how to refer to us.
It also looks more in depth at sight loss, hearing loss and dual sensory loss, considering how it might affect the person and what you can do to improve your interactions with them.
Learning objectives:
Sensory Awareness Overview
Overview of Sensory Services, when to refer to them, the process to follow and the difference between Sensory Services and Technology Enabled Care.
The outcomes are:
- know what Sensory Services do and don’t do
- know when and the process to refer
- understand more around the impact of sensory loss
Sight Loss Awareness
This session covers different eye conditions and their effects on someone’s sight and advice on how to assist someone with sight loss.
The outcomes are:
- a basic understanding of the causes and effects of sight loss
- Practical tips & Services available
Deaf blindness and Dual Sensory Loss
Learn about deafblindness, the effects on a person, support available and how to communicate. Learn about different types of hearing loss, how if affects hearing and how you can help.
The outcomes are:
- A basic understanding of the causes and effects of deafblindness and dual sensory loss
- Services available, the referral process and practical tips
- Have a basic understanding of the causes and effects of deafness and hearing loss
- Practical tips, Services available and referral process
Designed for:
Staff on the adult Mental Health wards and Intermediate Care wards
What type of training is it?
Self-directed learning - approximately 90 minutes
Course overview:
To be able to identify swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) and refer on to Speech and Language Therapy where appropriate. To help you to support patients with dysphagia and to follow advice provided by Speech and Language Therapy.
Learning outcomes:
- Have an increased understanding of the normal swallowing process
- Take basic steps to support safe swallowing (e.g. positioning, environment)
- Be able to identify signs of swallowing difficulty and refer a patient to Speech & Language Therapy for assessment
- To be familiar with and able to implement the IDDSI standards for food and fluid modification
Designed for:
Therapy assistants' band 3 and 4 external to CPFT
What type of training?
Self-guided training for staff external to CPFT
If you work at CPFT, please log into Academy and enrol in the course here:
If you work in a partner organisation, you will have been provided a password which you can enter to get guest access below.