
1. Introduction to allyship

Who is an ally?

“An ally is any person that actively promotes and aspires to advance the culture of inclusion through intentional, positive, and conscious efforts that benefit people as a whole (Atecheson, 2018).


Types of Allies

 Karen Catlin’s author of “Better Allies”  developed a tool that sets out seven types of allies : Sponsor, Champion, Advocate, Amplifier, Scholar, Upstander, and Confidant.


Stop and Reflect after listening to the TED talks.

    • What can I do e.g I would like to…..
    • Which type of ally resonates with me e.g I wish…..


Tips and advice for being an ally :

How to be a better Ally :


Anyone can be an ally, Remember:

    • It is not easy, it involves listening, willingness to learn and be self-aware.

Essential EDI courses (RCE Wellbeing hub):

1. Unconscious bias

2. Disarming Discrimination (Allyship)

3. Bystander Intervention

For booking: Enquiries Capture Form (