Tissue Viability and Wound care courses

The main courses are taught by the local Tissue viability team/podiatry team and booked via Academy. Browse the catalogue below to explore and book onto the courses.


Please ensure you attend Wound Management training first, before attending any of the other lower limb courses.


Lower Limb module can be attended as a full week (Lower Limb Week - LLW) or separate days.

The full week module can be useful for anyone who wants to achieve an overview of lower limb care and achieve a sound knowledge as well as practical skills in the subject. It would be especially useful for new staff wanting to progress in all aspect of lower limb.


Tables below advertising the full week module dates and the weekly schedule. For booking specific dates please visit the individual course pages. Please note, you will need to book onto a seminar session on each course page.

      full wound lower limb timetable 2024

Weekly timetable lower limbs v2


Short courses are taught by Wound care companies’ representatives and clinical advisers. 

These are based on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Wound Care formulary and as a follow up to the main courses but can be attended on their own and added to your main competence folder.

Click here to read about the short courses available