Learn about:
The Mental Capacity Act
The Mental Capacity Act is one of the legal frameworks which staff who work in mental health need to comply when providing services to people who present with mental health needs. A range of learning and development opportunities are provided dependent on service area, role and grade of staff. Please refer to the training needs analysis matrix (TNA) for your individual mandatory training requirements.
Mental Capacity Act Level 1
e-learning - Mental Capacity Act Level 1
Mental Capacity Act Level 2
Blended learning - Mental Capacity Act Level 1 online course to be completed as well as attendance at a Level 2 face-to-face session. There are two options for the face to face element depending on where you work:
Mental Capacity Act Level 2 - for clinical staff working in services other than OPAC
Mental Capacity Act Level 2 (OPAC) - for clinical staff working in OPAC services only
Courses available at CPFT are listed and linked below, however attendance at the following courses delivered by Cambridgeshire County Council can also be accepted for compliance:
• ‘Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – Whole day course’
• ‘Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Training for Health Professionals – Half day course’
• ‘Mental Capacity Act (advanced)’
Once you have attended one of these courses you will need to notify the team by submitting ‘Mandatory training exemption form’ along with a copy of the certificate to learning@cpft.nhs.uk to ensure that your record is updated.